Sunday, November 30, 2008

I'm Dick Richards

I've attended every General Conference since 1948.  I go every year and fight them anitmormon morons and give them the what not.  I hate the Berkely Boys, and they know who they are.  They need to stop smokin' the stuff and start followin' the Word of Wisdom.  

I like the cussin apostle, Golden Kimball.  I believe he and Elder Packer are the last real pioneer stock in the church.  The church is tryin' too hard to make them fudgepackers happy usin' girly language to talk to the unrighteous.  How did God deal with the unrighteous.  One only has to look in the Good Book and find the Lord wipin' clean them sorry Midianites.  Look at it! That's how the Lord works.  He punishes the unrighteous with swiftness and steadfastness.  

I also believe we need to bring back D&C 132. It's a commandment, damnit! We need nice, good lookin' active women, not these damn monobrowed heifers wearin' picnic table covers and quilts for dresses.  Come on, I mean if that prophecy ain't right, then what other prophecy ain't right. Since Prophet Jo was a prophet, then they can't be wrong, right?  If they gonna make homo marriage legal, then they need to make polygamy legal, too damnit!

One other thing I believe is in Blood Atonement.  If y'all don't know what that is, look it up in the Journal of Discourses.  Members need to start callin' for this, and Adam our father, and everything else our Celestial Kingdom livin' prophets said.   Because its all true, by Jehova! 

Ask me about the church, I dare you.  And you will find yourself in a pool without chlorine goin in dead and cominin out anew.  See ya in the Celestial Kingdom!